OQTAA Stands in Solidarity with the Black Community


30 May 2020

Contact: Katherine Ragamat | katherine@oqtaa.com

Orlando Queer & Trans Asian Association

Orlando, FL -- In response to to the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and so many others, the Orlando Queer & Trans Asian Association stands with the Black community in demanding justice and ending police brutality. We denounce the actions of Officer Tou Thao and the silence of those in the Asian American community in their complicity in anti-Blackness. In Minneapolis and across the nation, silence and standing by idly has resulted in the deaths of our Black siblings. Now, more than ever, it is important for our community to uplift Black voices and support them in the fight against white supremacy.

We call on all Asian Americans to address their privilege and remember that our opportunities for success have been built upon the exploitation of Black labor and culture. In order for the APIA community to be free, it is imperative that all people of color, including Black people, be free. It is our responsibility to educate our friends and family on our privilege and on anti-blackness. The onus is on non-Black people of color to directly address and combat the ways we are complicit. Resources can be found here on how to speak to your loved ones about anti-Blackness.

We encourage our community to donate to these funds and organizations  to directly support and benefit the black community, specifically in Minneapolis. For those who are engaging in protests, please keep your safety in mind.

We here at OQTAA will forever stand with #BlackLivesMatter. 
