OQTAA Condemns Racist Attacks and Xenophobic Responses to COVID-19


11 March 2020

Contact: Katherine Ragamat | katherine@oqtaa.com

Orlando Queer & Trans Asian Association

Orlando, FL -- The Orlando Queer & Trans Asian Association strongly condemns any racist attacks and acts of xenophobia as the number of cases rise in the United States. OQTAA calls on the public to engage in safe personal hygiene practices without succumbing to discrimination or offensive remarks regarding the Asian American population. 

Due to the fear of contracting COVID-19, there has been a decline in business for Asian-owned establishments. There have also been reports of Asian Americans being attacked as retaliation for conceivably bringing the virus into the country. OQTAA urges the Orlando community to continue to show support for local Asian-owned businesses and to condemn any instances of attacking anyone as a response to heightened fear. OQTAA understands there is a fear over the threat of COVID-19 but believes it does not excuse or rationalize any acts of discrimination or xenophobia. 

Furthermore, the labeling of COVID-19 as “Chinese” adds to xenophobic and offensive fearmongering against the Chinese American and greater Asian American community. The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges that certain disease names tied to an ethnicity or cultural groups can provoke backlash against members of such communities. On Feb. 11, 2020, WHO officially named the coronavirus as COVID-19 and international health communities, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the United States Health Department have followed suit. OQTAA condemns President Donald Trump and Florida Senator Rick Scott for using “Chinese” to describe the virus. OQTAA calls on Senator Rick Scott to remove “Chinese” from any and all press releases and materials describing it as “Chinese coronavirus.” In particular, Senator Scott’s recent press release from March 11 uses the incorrect and offensive phrase. 

OQTAA encourages everyone to educate themselves on the virus and proper personal hygiene procedures and to address any misinformation or dangerous calls for violence. Above else, personal hygiene is of paramount importance in consideration for the vulnerable and immunocompromised. 

For information on COVID-19 and how to stop the spread of the virus, please refer to the following sites:

Orange County Government Florida

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

World Health Organization
