OQTAA Announces the Closing of the Orlando Sex Worker Fund


30 Oct 2020

Contact: Katherine Ragamat | katherine@oqtaa.com

Orlando Queer & Trans Asian Association

Orlando, FL -- The Orlando Queer & Trans Association would like to announce that our Orlando Sex Worker Fund has now closed and we will no longer be accepting applicants. Thank you to everyone who extended their generosity during this time. Your contributions greatly helped our applicants in their need for aid during this COVD-19 pandemic. Because of the community’s efforts, we were able to distribute a total of $2,160 to 24 people. We will be donating any remaining funds to Sex Worker Outreach Project Orlando. We are once again grateful for everyone’s continuous efforts in providing to the sex worker community of the greater Orlando area. We look forward to providing more for our communities in the coming future.

For a breakdown of the Sex Worker Fund, please see our progress reports below:
